Wednesday May 15, 2024

[Rebroadcast] Mixing a High Profile Corporate Life and a Successful AP Career with BJA Member “Peacock” | BJA040

Colin sits down with Peacock, who has been a BJA Member for several years now, is a multiple time Bootcamp attendee, and ran a two man team with another Member.

One thing that makes Peacock’s story unique is that he fits in being a card counter around being President of a fairly large-sized company. But he enjoys the hustle of beating the casinos just as much as the next AP.

In this podcast we discuss:

- What would possess an executive to become a card counter

- What his training and testout process were like

- What the board of his company thinks of his “hobby”

- What motivates him now as an AP

- Playing outside the US- What he would do differently (if he did it all over again) 

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